ࡱ> .0-` R"bjbjss8$wTTTTTTTh  hf.$$$$$$hd9TTT$$  T$T$  TT $ q 60f ` ` `T   fhhhd$hhhhhhTTTTTT DN2 0V]'Yf[,gy z{N 0-N0eHr y QHrt^g 1 0YTPgef[ 0 hTVyy ;N fkIl]N'Yf[QHr>y 1995 002 0 YTPgeZTirWSO 0 us^ Y ^f ;N fkIl]N'Yf[QHr>y 1992 003 0YTPgei 0 scV I{ ;N T\n]N'Yf[QHr>y 1999 YltCourse Code: 300017030 Course Name: Polymer compositeTotal Hours: 48 Credit: 3Textbook name: 0Composite Materials 0,Zhouzufu, Wuhan University of Technology press,1995 0Matrix of polymer composite 0,Zhaoyuting, Yaoxiceng, Wuhan University of Technology press, 1992 0Introduction to Composite Materials 0,Wang guorong, Harbin Institute of Technology press,1999 Course DescriptionThis course is one of subjects about materials science and engineering. The syllabus of the course was developed according to polymer professional teaching program. The main content of this course is to explai26<>PRZfjtv~      " * , 0 L P R \ f j l t ǽζίίίίίίǨhRT5aJo(hshs5aJo(hsaJo(hRTaJo(hd2aJo(h[h-=aJo(h-=aJo(h[haJo(h[h5aJo(h5CJOJPJo(h#CJo(hCJo(346" l 8 024x6""""gd-=dgd-=dWD`gd-= dgddgddpgd"  J P V \ b n | F H L n x 4 6 8 "&(.024JRdtﴪﴪzh-=aJo(h}ch-=5aJo(h[h-=aJo(haJo( h-=o(haJo(h[haJo(h[h5aJo( hJvhCJKHOJQJ^JhCJKHOJQJ^Jo(hKhCJKHOJQJ^Jo( hJvhKhCJKHOJQJ^J0t$&LNPb"^vxz246\!!!!""ŷӳӳ̳۳۱۳۳۪ۢ۳ۛhvCJo(h!`h-=o( h ^h-=Uh-= h-=5o(hd2aJo(h-=aJo( h9h-=h9h-=o( h-=o(ho?h-=aJo(h[h-=aJo(h}ch-=5aJo(:n the structure and properties of the commonly used composite matrix (such as: unsaturated polyester resin, epoxy resin, phenolic resin and high-performance resins, etc.), synthesis methods and curing principle. The part of this course is to make the students deepen the understanding and awareness of their professional basic knowledge. To expand students professional knowledge about other types of materials, the structure, properties and manufacturing methods of the reinforced materials of the composites (such as glass fiber, carbon fiber, organic fiber, etc.) was talked. Also, various molding methods of the composite materials, such as hand lay-up molding, laminating, molding, winding molding, pultrusion and other processes was presented. This part can help students to enhance the ability of practical application at the same time of learning their theoretical knowledge.6182P:pW a. A!"#n$n%S F@F cke $a$1$CJPJKHmH nHsH tH$A@$ ؞k=W[SOFiF nfh*)@ ux,L@, egVD d^d8 @"8 u$a$G$9r CJ*@2* yblFhe,gCJw $Ir\tuvy000000000000@0@00@0@00\tuvyj00 j00 j00h00h00j00h00h00 00 t" " " 8@z0(  *  ))-35:@@AAHHdi|vy))-35:@@AAHHdi|vy))-35:@@AAHHdi|vy))-35:;@@HIdi|vy:9QYHn#`(+K3-=e@S2KZLHO^'^W a}cjgKhkkEQk!doR"pQt>{s;mv ~vRT#:'sX*b3/[Wd2UqL_Sw~TsLiuIy@Ѕ^4wUnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial;ўSOSimHei;[SOSimSun QhܦܦۆC4C4!Z&!),.:;?]}    & 6"0000 0 000000 =@\]^([{  0 0 00000;[ndss2qD?'*22 Normal.dotwuserMicrosoft.comOh+'0  8 D P\hpx֪ͨuserNormalMicrosoft.com2Microsoft Office Word@G@Fn@Hq@HqC4՜.+,D՜.+,<   $,4s ` ?GKSOProductBuildVer2052-  !"#$&'()*+,/Root Entry Fv11Table`WordDocument8$SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8%CompObjm  FMicrosoft Office Word ĵ MSWordDocWord.Document.89q